Looking for New Captains

Hello Leviathans Fans!
My name is Bryn Bills, board games and minis enthusiast, devoted Leviathans fan and as of August the Line developer for Leviathans. I’m incredibly excited to go on this Journey with you as we move towards a kickstarter this coming summer and if all goes according to plan (which it of course always does) the release of the Game the year after that. 

Randall introduced me in the last update so we can skip over that and get right into what everyone wants to hear about, what’s happening with Leviathans.
At this moment the Leviathans team is trying to really lay out what a Leviathans 2.0 is going to look like. We have a lot of exciting ideas that we are kicking around. Everything from minor changes and tweaks to the core rules all the way to entire new additions to the game. We want Leviathans to be the best it can be. Of course we never want to lose what has made Leviathans such a great game and the core of the it will always remain the same. The entire team working on Leviathans considers it our favorite miniatures game and we will do nothing to hurt the game.

That is where all of you come in. We have all of these plans but we need help play-testing them. We need people who are willing to commit time each week to play this game (I know, such a hard thing to ask) and give us feedback so that we can make this game everything we all know it can be. If that sounds like something you and your friends are interested in please contact me at my email (bryn@catalystgamelabs.com).

As for these updates, I will be making one of these every week excluding holidays on Thursday going forward. I will go over our plans for the game, the different factions, new mechanics we plan to add etc. 
Thank you all again for your dedication to this game over the years. I promise you that the wait will have been worth it. 

See you all in the Skies!

Bryn Bills, Leviathans Line Developer

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  1. Excellent! I just emailed you and discovered something important! Your email link actually links to a bad email address. It has the address of Catalustgamelabs instead of Catalystgamelabs.

    1. All my spare shekels saved between now and next summer will be dedicated to this Kickstarter.

  2. Fantastic! I’ve been a long time fan of Leviathans and I’ve always wanted to see it return! Looking forward to the Kickstarter!

  3. Alas, I haven’t the time to playtest, but I own everything from last time round and was involved in a number of the play-by-post scenarios that took place on the old forum. I will be keeping an eye on things and trying to offer what support I can.

  4. Just e-mailed you. Thanks for the opportunity, Bryn. I hope it’s okay but I’m sharing the link to the Leviathans subreddit. Basically just a place for anybody to discuss anything about the old and new game while there’s no active forum available. In case anybody is interested you can find us by searching for /r/leviathans on Reddit or heading to this address: https://www.reddit.com/r/leviathans/

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